Cloud 9

Cloud 9 is an online IDE. That means that we can create, edit, run and save code on the AWS cloud.

Cloud 9 Setup

I had setup a cloud 9 environment on AWS as follows

Create Different Logins

Once the Cloud 9 enviroment is set I can create different level of logins for user and then can log in with their own account. This way they have limited access where they can program save and run code only. Below is the example of the environment that I had created

Starting 9 IDE

After logging in with the user ID the AWS environment will launch.  

Running Python on Cloud9

Here is an example of a Python program that I created on Cloud 9

Running a Lambda Function on Cloud9

Here is an example of an AWS Lamda function that I created on Cloud 9


For More Info

For more information on AWS Cloud9 Please Visit Here