What Is ElasticBeanStalk

This is an AWS service where you can delpoy web applications and services rapidly. It is like an online Visual Studio where we can make online applications quickly

We can write the code in several languages like Java, Phython, .Net, PHP etc

My EBS Sites

Here is my AWS Elasctic Bean Stalk site with 2 applications

One EBS App

Here are the details of one of the EBS Appst

EBS Site

Here is one of the Web Applications that was on the Elastic BeanStalk on AWS

Visual Studio Integration with EBS App

Here is the Visual Studio 2013 Integration with my EBS App which I can monitor in real time when changes are being made

EBS Code Updating

Here is a snapshot of when my EBS code was being updated on AWS

App Terminating

Here I am removing the App from my EBS environment so that I can shutdown the EBS and not have to spend money

Like all AWS services you have to confirm the deletion first and then it gets deleted or terminated

EBS Removal

Like most of the services on AWS only a certian amount is free and the rest we have to pay for. So I had to shut down all the Apps on EBS. Here is that start of the stopping procedure on AWS

And Here is the termination process in motion

Elastic BeanStalk is one of my favorite AWS services as I said since it allows easy steps to make a dynamic web application and it setups the environment needed as well

For More Info

For more information on Elastic BeanStalk on AWS Please Visit Here