AWS Mobile

One main Advantage of AWS is that there are APPs that let you control pretty much most of AWS services.
Here are WText

AWS Dashboard

Here is the AWS Dasboard in the AWS Office App. AS you can see it lets us control most of AWS fuctionalities

Cloud 9

We can start Cloud 9 instances or steop them since Cloud 9 is charged based on the running time of the IDE environment.

C9 Start

C9 Running

C9 Stop


Here you can see the EC2 Instance Status

Oracle RDS

Here I used another App that I downloaded to establish connection to the Oracle Databse on AWS

Quering the Oracle RDS from mobile

And Here I run a small Query on the Oracle RDS from the mobile App


We can also connect via SSH to AWS using a mobile App t

SSH Command Line

Then we can run the SSH command line

SQL Server RDS

We can also use another App to connect to the SQL Server on AWS

Quering the SQL Server RDS from mobile

Then we can run a small Query on the SQL Server RDS on AWS from the mobile App

For More Info

For more information on AWS Mobile Console App Please Visit Here