RDS according to AWS stands for Relational Database Service. It is a very powerful service for databases. There are several Engines available including the following

My AWS RDS sites are now offline as I dont want to spend money everymonth on these as they are expensive. But here I will give the screenshot that I took of the RDS before I shut them down

SQL Express AWS Database

Here is an example of my MS SQL Server Express (Free Version) websites

This is built in ASP.Net and it is a simple Telephone Directory. It allows sorting. Here it is sorted by Last Name in the following image

RDS SQL Instance

Here is my SQL Express Instace settings on AWS

RDS SQL Details

And here is the Console Screen of the Instance Settings


Here I am stopping the SQl instance as I wanted to delete it to save money. And before it can be deleted it has to be stopped

For More Info

For more information on AWS SQl Server RDS Please Visit Here