Welcome to my AWS

Hi. My name is Syed Kabir.

This is my Homepage for my AWS work.

I have been web programming professionally since the year 1999.

I have been using online services since 2000. Most of the my AWS services are shutdown for cost saving. Here are some of the snapshots of when they were active. I can recreate and show live examples when needed.

This site itself is hosted on AWS


I can setup and program both online and offline DynamoDb databases. Click Here for Examples of My DynamoDb Work


I can setup and program Cloud 9 IDE. Click Here for Examples of My Cloud 9 Work


I have two domains registered with AWS Route 53 with different subsites Click Here for Example of My Route 53 Work


I have one Elastic File System for my Linux Docker Click Here for Example of My EFS Work


I have several Identities, groups and roles for the various AWS services. Click Here for Example of My IAM Work


S3 stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service on its Clouds. It uses containers that Amazon calls Buckets. I had 3 AWS S3 buckets. This is the main static bucket. The other buckets are currently offline for cost saving

AWS Mobile Console

We can manage and connect to AWS from their Mobile App and also use 3rd party Apps to connect to the databases as well.
Click Here for more examples of My AWS on Mobile Work



I have had several AWS Virtual Private Clouds with different Elastic IPs running across the North America. I have deleted them now for cost saving but here are the examples.


I have been working with databases since the 90s. I have worked with most of the popular databases including Oracle, Access, SQL Server, MySQL etc. AWS offers a lot of features and functionalities with databases. I have created the following Databases enabled sites on AWS

 RDS - Oracle

I have worked with Oracle Servers as well on AWS. But they are not free and I have to pay for the license and hosting.
Click Here for more examples of AWS Oracle RDS Work

 Elastic BeanStalk

This is one of my favorites AWS Services where we can deploy web applications. That means that dynamic websites get deployed here. I had several of these EBS environments


I have worked a lot with AWS Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2. I have 3 AWS EC2 sites, 1 in Canada and 2 in US. Click Here for more examples of EC2 Work


AWS Lamda is also one of my favorites AWS features. As it lets you build functions that you can use from anywhere. I have made several Lmabda functions


I have serveral Cognito enteries with group roles and App users. Click Here for more examples of AWS Cognito Work

AWS Docker

I have an one AWS Docker Image running on Amazon Linux in US - East (N Virginia)
Click Here for more examples of AWS Docker Work


I have established VPN connection to AWS using a gateway and security groups.
Click Here for more examples of AWS VPN Connection Work

AWS Pricing & Billing

AWS is free is you use none of their useful or dynamic services. I can utilize AWS services efficiently so that we get low Bills for better ROI
Click Here for examples of AWS Billings

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